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St Mary's Hanwell has recently been awarded the ECO Church Silver award.

Eco Actions at St Mary's

1. Church Hall  
We now have a church hall Eco Charter to which all hall users are asked to adhere.  Our old boilers have been replaced with new, more efficient boilers and all lights have been changed to LED.  We are currently looking at the possibility of installing solar panels.

2. Church
We plan to change high level lighting to LED and will look at ways to reduce draughts and heat loss.

3. Churchyard
We have put up 6 new bird boxes and constructed 2 new hedgehog homes.  We have also planted spring bulbs and built new compost heaps.  We hope this provides birds and small creatures with an improved environment.

Bird box 1      Triangle 2

The Squirrels have been busy building 'Bugingham Palace' bug hotel in the churchyard.  It also has an extension for frogs and toads!

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If you would like to be part of our ECO project in any way, please email the office here.