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Thank you for your financial support of our mission and ministry. We could not fulfil our God-given vision without your generous offering of time, talents and finance. 

If you would like to make a donation today online please CLICK HERE 

Please would you prayerfully consider one of the following options:

1) Join our planned giving scheme (Standing Order)

Monthly giving is vital to our mission as it enables us to plan more easily for the long-term. To set up  a standing order, log in to your online banking or visit your local branch with St Mary’s bank account details, and let our treasurer know
Standing Order Form for online set up or in branch - click here to download as a PDF or word document

2) Increase your planned giving

If everyone already in our scheme increased their giving by a minimum of £10 per month we can fully fund this new role. Simply amend your standing order online or by speaking to your bank. Once you have done that please let our treasurer know 

3) Give a one-off gift Online today

Please visit our online giving page here. You can choose whatever amount you would like to give as a one-off gift and the site takes care of the gift aid too. Thank you!

Gift Aid Declaration 
Allow us to claim an additional 25% on your giving from the Government by filling in a Gift Aid declaration form (link below). Please complete and send form to  Gift Aid Declaration - click here to download as a PDF or word document

Listen to our 2023 Giving Sunday Teaching below:

Part 1 19th November - Generous Giving
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Part 2 26th November - Cheerful Giving

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Many people choose to leave a gift to the church in their will and the PCC have a policy on how we use those gifts to further mission and ministry here at St Marys.  
St Mary's Legacy Policy 

For more information, please contact our Treasurer at