Sunday Services

Online @ 9
Each Sunday we gather live via our Facebook page from 8:50am to say hello and chat via the comments ahead of the Online @9
The service starts at 9am and lasts about 30-35 minutes, followed by more chat after the service, wrapping up around 9:35am.
Click here to go to Facebook scroll down to find the livestream.
You can download the service sheet in word or pdf here so that you have everything you need to join in with the songs, prayers and readings.
A video of each week's service is uploaded shortly afterwards so can catch up at any time.
10:30am Communion in Church
This Communion service lasts around 60 mins and has the same teaching as the Online @ 9 service. We follow Common Worship liturgy and the service is a blend of traditional and contemporary elements. This service features a mix of music led by both our band and our organ and choir.
Junior Church (5-10s) and Creche (pre-schoolers) every Sunday during term time and you can find out more here. Youth (11-18) runs fortnightly in term time find out more here.
Coffee and refreshments take place after the 10:30am service.
Our Family Service where we all worship together takes place on the first Sunday of each month Click here to find out more.